More aileron structure

Getting the CW35 aileron nose ribs located perfectly in the aileron is critical to making sure the aileron is straight and consistent with the other wing. Today I slid the torque tube into place and checked the fit of all the pieces that I can at this point. After making some adjustments to the holes in the CW36 end plates, I glued the three CW35s in place in the middle of the aileron. The next step will require cutting the trailing edge to install the aileron end caps, so I want to make sure the torque tube location is easily and consistently reproducible.

I think at this point I may just bolt the torque tube bearings in place (I have a set of 3D printed temporary pieces) and cut the last piece of AL tubing in half. This will let me work with a much shorter and easier to handle piece of tubing while setting up the ailerons.